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Before running Arseeding, you need to configure relevant environment variables, please refer to Environment Variable Configuration Table for relevant environment variable configuration instructions.

Run With Binary

Importing environment variables:

$ export NO_FEE=true/false //If No_Fee mode
$ export MYSQL=your_dsn // e.g root@tcp(
$ export KEY_PATH=your_ar_keyfile // e.g ./data/keyfile.json
$ export PAY=payURL // e.g <>
  • Using S3 storage mode:

Importing environment variables:

$ export USE_S3=true
$ export S3_ACC_KEY=Access key ID
$ export S3_SECRET_KEY=Secret access key
$ export S3_PREFIX=your prefix
$ export S3_REGION=region // e.g ap-northeast-1
  • Using the 4everland storage model: Simply build on S3:
$ export USE_4EVER=true
  • Using aliyun OSS storage model:
$ export USE_ALIYUN=true
$ export ALIYUN_ENDPOINT=your url
$ export ALIYUN_ACC_KEY=Access key ID
$ export ALIYUN_SECRET_KEY=Secret access key
$ export ALIYUN_PREFIX=your prefix

Note: Arseeding supports sqlite database, if you want to use sqlite instead of mysql, just add

$ export USE_SQLITE=true

For custom sqlite database path, please refer to Configuration Table

  • Start the server
$ sudo chmod 755 arseeding
$ ./arseeding

Run With Docker

  • Pull docker image
$ docker pull permadao/arseeding:latest
  • Use local storage to start:
docker run -d \\
--env DB_DIR=/arseeding/data/bolt \\
--env KEY_PATH=/arseeding/data/keyfile.json \\
--env PAY= \\
--env MYSQL="your mysql dsn" \\
--env NO_FEE=true \\ // “run with no fee mode”
-v /Your/KeyFile/Absolute/Path:/arseeding/data \\
-p 8080:8080 \\
permadao/arseeding:latest \\
  • Use S3 storage mode to start:
docker run -d \\
--env USE_S3=true \\
--env S3_ACC_KEY=AccessKeyID \\
--env S3_SECRET_KEY=SecretAccessKey \\
--env S3_PREFIX=yourPrefix \\
--env S3_REGION=region \\
--env KEY_PATH=/arseeding/data/keyfile.json \\
--env PAY= \\
--env MYSQL="your mysql dsn" \\
--env NO_FEE=true \\ // “run with no fee mode”
-v /Your/KeyFile/Absolute/Path:/arseeding/data \\
-p 8080:8080 \\
permadao/arseeding:latest \\
  • Use 4everland storage mode to start:
docker run -d \
--env USE_S3=true \
--env S3_ACC_KEY=AccessKeyID \
--env S3_SECRET_KEY=SecretAccessKey \
--env S3_PREFIX=yourPrefix \
--env S3_REGION=region \
--env KEY_PATH=/arseeding/data/keyfile.json \
--env PAY= \
--env MYSQL="your mysql dsn" \
--env NO_FEE=true \ // “run with no fee mode”
--env USE_4EVER=true
-v /Your/KeyFile/Absolute/Path:/arseeding/data \
-p 8080:8080 \
permadao/arseeding:latest \

Note: Arseeding supports sqlite database, if you want to use sqlite instead of mysql, just add

--env USE_SQLITE=true

For custom sqlite database path, please refer to Configuration Table